2012年9月28日 星期五

burning wreckage, Sita Air plane, near Katmandu, Nepal. 燃燒的殘骸

(Associated Press)

Nepal plane crash: Pilot error to blame for crash in Kathmandu | Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2210040/Nepal-plane-crash-Pilot-error-blame-crash-Kathmandu.html
September 28, 2012 « Day in Photos http://blogs.voanews.com/photos/2012/09/28/september-28-2012/
Pictures of the Week: 09.23 – 09.29 2012 | CLIK/HEAR | Multimedia, photography, video showcase of The Palm Beach Post http://clikhear.palmbeachpost.com/2012/potw/pictures-of-the-week-09-23-09-29-2012/
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