2012年9月26日 星期三

Google, (Google's 14th Birthday) Doodle. 谷歌, (14歲生日) 塗鴉.

[Google Doodle] Google 14歲生日

Google Inc

(to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful)

Steve Jurvetson

Darrell Eager/Getty Images
Axel Mauruszat

Flckr user jurvetson (Steve Jurvetson). Trimmed and retouched with PS9 by Mariordo
Google driverless car - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_driverless_car
Google正式公開AR眼鏡計畫「Project Glass」。 | wa+er. 白蘋果急救室 http://whiteappleer.tw/2012/04/05/google-begins-testing-its-augmented-reality-glasses/
丟掉你的行動裝置吧! Google Vision 登場?! - KisPlay Blog: 3C & Tech 部落格 - 無名小站 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/KisPlay/1972501
Google X, a Secret Product Lab, Revealed for First Time : Discovery News http://news.discovery.com/tech/google-x-lab-111114.html
The top seven alternatives to the Google Maps API | Feature | .net magazine http://www.netmagazine.com/features/top-seven-alternatives-google-maps-api
This is Google Wave | The Quad bu student magazine & blog http://buquad.com/2009/12/14/this-is-google-wave/
Google Play iTunes: Google Play combines Android Market, movies, books, and music like iTunes Store - Orlando Sentinel http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2012-03-07/news/os-google-play-android-market-itunes-20120307_1_apps-ebooks-itunes-sales
Google Drive latest: 100GB storage offered, could be announced 'as soon as Tuesday' | Digital Trends http://www.digitaltrends.com/web/google-drive-latest-100gb-storage-offered-could-be-announced-as-soon-as-tuesday/
Google - Latest news, videos, and information- NBCNews.com http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33641830?q=Google
阿貝的Living Lab: Google Apps Certification Program http://baqua45.blogspot.tw/2012/06/google-apps-certification-program.html
Yahoo mail vs Gmail vs Hotmail | Marketing Age http://sedatedworld.com/?p=1054
Google Talk Icon - 3D Cartoon Icon Pack III - Free Icons - SoftIcons.com http://www.softicons.com/free-icons/application-icons/3d-cartoon-icon-pack-iii-by-deleket/google-talk-icon
Joi Ito from Inbamura, Japan
圖片與幕後花絮 – Google 新聞中心 – Google http://www.google.com/press/images.html
Online-Werbung bringt nach wie vor das meiste Geld - Mitgründer Page übernimmt: Google wechselt Führungsspitze aus - computerwoche.de http://www.computerwoche.de/management/it-macher/2362804/index2.html
est100 一些攝影(some photos): Google , Larry Page 拉里·佩奇 http://okok1111111111.blogspot.tw/2011/08/larry-page.html
From left, California Gov. Edmund Brown Jr., state Senator Alex Padilla and Google co-founder Sergey Brin stand by a driverless car they arrived in at Google headquarters in Mountain View, Calif. Image: AP Photo, Eric Risberg
California Gov. Jerry Brown arrived at Google headquarters in a driverless Toyota Prius before signing the bill.
Autonomous cars, like those from Google, receive approval in California from Gov. Jerry Brown - NY Daily News http://www.nydailynews.com/autos/autonomous-cars-google-receive-approval-california-gov-jerry-brown-article-1.1168509
California Governor Signs Self-Driving Car Bill | News | Laboratory Equipment http://www.laboratoryequipment.com/news/2012/09/california-governor-signs-self-driving-car-bill
加州州長搭Google自駕車上路測試 | 美國新聞 | 全球觀察 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/WORLD/WOR6/7391526.shtml
‘Where The Internet Lives’: A Glimpse Inside Google’s Private Data Centers - DesignTAXI.com http://designtaxi.com/news/353991/Where-The-Internet-Lives-A-Glimpse-Inside-Google-s-Private-Data-Centers/?month=10&year=2012
October 17, 2012 « Day in Photos http://blogs.voanews.com/photos/2012/10/17/october-17-2012/
Google - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google
Google - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google
感謝您的光臨 "est100 一些攝影", (非營利) . Thank you for visiting  "est100 some photos" , (non-profit ).  ( okok ten times "1" ) http://okok1111111111.blogspot.tw/

